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Welcome Message from the AALA President

Welcome to Tokyo. It is my honor and pride to welcome all presenters and participants to the 9th Annual International Conference of the Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA) in 2023. Our journey has been a remarkable one, experiencing the conferences in various ways: on-site before the Covid-19 pandemic, online during the pandemic, and in a hybrid format in its aftermath. This year, we finally have the pleasure of meeting on-site and seeing each other face-to-face once again. Life goes on, and so does the AALA, continuously growing and making positive contributions to all of us.


The theme, "Assessing Language Proficiency: Challenges and Trends in the New Era," is incredibly timely for all of us who continue to thrive in this ever-evolving era. With 3 symposiums, 34 papers, and 10 posters, I am confident that this conference will delve into the many challenges of assessing language proficiency, as well as shed light on the latest trends in this field. Furthermore, I believe this event will serve as an invaluable platform for lecturers, researchers, practitioners, and students to exchange ideas, share expertise, best practices, and discuss related issues. Therefore, I strongly encourage all presenters and participants to seize this opportunity not only to broaden your knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest insights, tips, and techniques in language assessment, but also to expand your professional networks in this vibrant field.


I would like to take this moment to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the British Council, Duolingo, ETS, MetaMetrics, LTTC, and Language Testing in Asia Journal for their genuine support. Their contributions have been instrumental not only in organizing this conference but also in numerous language assessment initiatives.


In closing, I must express my deep appreciation to the EIKEN Foundation and the entire organizing team for their dedication in hosting and managing this conference. Additionally, we are grateful to Chuo University for providing us with a wonderful venue. I hope that all of you will thoroughly enjoy the conference and have a truly pleasant stay in Tokyo.


May this conference propel the field of language assessment forward. I hope each of you makes the most of this opportunity and returns to your organization rejuvenated and inspired.


Let us embrace this occasion with enthusiasm and a shared commitment to advancing language assessment.


Jirada Wudthayagorn

President, Asian Association of Language Assessment (2022-2023)

Director, Chulalongkorn University Language Institute

AALA 2023 in Tokyo

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